Sunday, November 7, 2010

I should not lie

Tonight's Hannah Montana Forever episode was probably one of the best one hour long specials that have ever premiered on television. Though I may have exaggerated this first sentence just a bit, with all due respect, I sitll have to admit that it has been a memorable four years of glamorous fittings and giddy pop songs with one of the most "sensational teen pop stars" on Disney Channel. To the stranger who is currently twitching with disgust from this little post regarding my appreciation towards Hannah Montana and Miley Cyrus's show, you can click the x button at the top right corner of this page. But maybe you won't have to because that's all I have to say for this part.

For the other part, I woke up at five in the morning automatically, only to figure out that the time had been changed to four a.m. Now to the stranger who is probably thinking that I went back to sleep, that ridiculous assumption is absolutely incorrect. I actually started working meticulously on one of my college applications on the Common Application site for a period of time with thought out consideration and carefulness. In fact, after working on the online application, I spent the rest of the rainy day writing three different essays for an important scholarship opportunity I want to try going for--one essay about what the word leadership means to me, one essay about why I want to apply to the college, and another essay/single-spaced letter of intent about how I feel about society's social, economic, and political issues.

Aside from working diligently with no distractions, I was able to gather most of my documents and paper work together. Now all I have missing is my counselor's number, the recommendation form Ms. Chavarria is currently filling out, and a last touch-up with the online application to the school. On another note, let me just mention the fact that I also finally caught up with the major turning points of I Love You, Beth Cooper and Cloudy With A Chance of Meatballs on Pay-Per-View last night, along with finishing the entire movie of Definitely, Maybe, for the third time, with Lin and Laurie in Laurie's "home theater" yesterday afternoon.

I hereby declare that I am content for yet another Sunday night.

1 comment:

Sherryyyy said...

For me, in order to close this window, I must click the top RIGHT corner. :( Haha.

I'm so excited! Two more weeks :)