Monday, August 31, 2009

Interesting fact:


Stephanie says this is a real word. Good to know, actually. Thank you!

Dan's Famous Grin

With the night ending so soon on me, I am proud to admit that I did not procrastinate through any whatsoever distractions that came towards my way while I worked on my Math -Analysis homework. After tennis practice, I stormed home in a rush to do my shower power and eat, leaving myself enough time to practice Leo, my flute, and the piano. I eventually brushed through the POV ( Point of view) activity for Euro AP, first homework for Spanish 1 from the nice and glossy green workbook passed out this afternoon, and the analysis questions for the English poem my group chose last Friday morning.

Within a few hours, I'd say that I got one mission- or one night accomplished. Though there are still a million pages left through Chapter 10 for Euro AP, I think I might be able to pull through in a more stabilized attitude this time.

Until then, you should be excited for the Staff Collaboration Day coming up this Thursday and the Rally this Friday!

The first away tennis game is in Milpitas, this Friday, September 4th.

The first football game is Indy Vs. PHHS at PHHS this Friday as well!
Jv 4:30 pm
V: 7:00 pm

Sunday, August 30, 2009

This is Carcassonne, located in France. Isn't this picture neat?
On a side note, how exciting is this? Lauren Conrad's second book " Sweet Little Lies" will be coming out in February! I'll be sure to order it in advance this time.

The new season of The Hills starts on September 29th! But I am not sure if I will have time for it this time though... I hope my computer gets fixed soon, so I can finally get off my brother's no-sound computer.

European History huh

It’s quite something. By the end of all of that reading, I learned that in the 14th and 15th century of the late Medieval Europe, there was a big declination of many things. People were not able to proceed in their jobs and such. The introduction to the gunpowder and artillery created a larger human destruction between England and France. In 1409, there were less than three popes who ruled simultaneously. Basically everything came downhill.

But on the bright side, between 1300-1500, things began to rise up again and that made up for the huge line of losses in the 15th century. The 14th century saw the birth of humanism and the 15th century gave us the printing press. Due to this whole period, there were actually sessions of both creativity and depression.


Saturday, August 29, 2009

So... has summer just started or what? The passed few days have been quite a lot.

Wow, a whole display!

Spaghetti Feed

We were allowed to go back for more,
since it was all-you-can-eat.
But one plate was like a dinner for two.
Japanese mercado
This is what Key Club is all about, after the services and meetings.

So this morning included starting the Math-Analysis homework, practicing the flute and piano, and reading some more of Chapter 9 for Euro AP. Tonight was fun on 4th Street at the Salvation Army building with some Key Clubbers. Indy held the August DCM there, and basically before the meeting, it was a Spaghetti Feed event to raise more money for their own Key Club, marching band , etc. It was a delicious meal and Kevin sure enjoyed his 3 whole plates of pasta, salad, garlic bread, and cookies.

Not long, we took a short walk out to Japan town , or street, and went by some cute sushi restaurants and shops, and came across the Japanese market. Karney treated all of us to some Green Tea Mochi ice cream in the end while we walked back to the building for the meeting.

We went through some ice breakers and then went over how this month actually went with the American Apparel Jackets Fundraiser. I'm glad that our division is in 1st place as in the amount of money we raised these passed few weeks.

After my dad dropped Karney off back to his orange house, I hurriedly grabbed napkins to clean the back of the car when I got home. (The mochi ice cream melted!)

Only the cutest.
My kind of people.

Friday, August 28, 2009

What's better than studying Euro History on a Friday afternoon/night?

Nerd Bird Status.
Study with me.

So today felt like the first real day of Summer due to the blazing hot heat. Maybe some things have changed for me this starting school year. I cannot figure out what those things are yet. Maybe it's the uncertainty of specific activities or events. We will see. But for now, it's time to work, work, work.

Europe's population doubled between the years of 1000-1300.

1. Key Club Resource Fair tomorrow
9 am- 2 pm

2. Key Club DCM Spaghetti Feed all -you-can eat ($15 at the door) at Indepedence
5 pm-8 pm

Posters for the Upcoming Sport Seasons + Mini Club Day

We Bleed Maroon

Mini Club Day is on September 11th.

An update of a week ago, maybe you can guess which leg is mine

We were just selling icy cold drinks at the Farmer's Market when all a sudden, we went back to my house to attempt the desire to complete another part of Homecoming painting. It was so hot that we decided to stick our feet into the leftover ice from my red cooler.

P.S. Again with the stealing pics

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

There is no lie in this. I am probably going to struggle with so many outside activities happening all at the same time. It's like juggling tennis balls all at once. But hopefully, I won't be stranded away from this or that for too long.

So today in my European History class, I found out that back then in the Western side of Europe, the knights would kill the other knights to get to the lords, and the lords would get the other lords to become King. Very interesting.

I cannot wait for our first rally as well, which is next Friday, the 4th!

P.S. The third is staff collaboration day. Lucky us.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Dan's footprint
Street Figh-Tah

Kidnap (of the Street Figh-Tah)
I realized that I was supposed to be at school by this point, like Dan. But unfortunately, he called to tell me that the gates were locked. So, that means we will be fixing and tidying up decorations for the hallway at around 7 am, the same time that I think I will try to find the classrooms on my schedule. You know, the piece of paper with the 7 classes that I haven't looked at since the day I picked it up.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Junior Hallway Decs , get ready for tomorrow!

I can feel the pain on my elbow now. Maybe I did feel that brick, but on the bright side, I can still function well.

So, don't forget to come help decorate the Junior Hallway today at 9 am! If you are not a morning person, I believe we will be there for a very , very, very, very, long time. We still have to finish up some more painting, taping, posting , etc.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

This epic fall tonight made my summer.
World's Most Amazing Pools:

Don't forget:

PHHS Student Parking Lot
9 am-4 pm!

"The Amazing Spider Cat"

Saturday, August 22, 2009

So what did you think was cool again, yesterday?

Average Cost: " pay what you think"

Jules' Undersea Lodge
Average cost: $350+

United States (Cottonwood Idaho)
Average Cost: $100

Unfortunately, the whole selling-drinks-at-the-Farmer's-Market-plan was canceled today due to some difficulties. But we will definitely be there next week!

On the bright side, there will be ANOTHER tennis girls' team car wash at PHHS's student parking lot at 9 am- 4 pm tomorrow!

Wow 7 hours! You will HAVE to show up to something as spectacular as this now!
Happy Saturday!
We will be selling water and soda (Coke, Pepsi, 7-Up, Root Beer, etc.) at the Farmer's Market today around 10:30 am-1 pm! (That is in approximately... 59 minutes!)

So please come support the Junior Class by purchasing a bottle of icy cold water or an unbelievably tasty can of soda!

See you there!

Friday, August 21, 2009

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Try freezing m&m's. Nothing tastes better than cold chocolate. ( Unless it is dark chocolate.)

Cute Gorilla? Well, Karney was in some kind of luck yesterday in SF. He went to the California Academy of Sciences for a free admission. He said he was in line for a good 3 lengthy hours with about a billion other people, until he officially got in. I cannot wait to see the other pictures!

Today's practice was lethargic. I realized that I cannot really tie my short hair now, but on the bright side, it's easier to take care of!

I will be painting at Elaine's house with Camille and Dan after 3:30 pm. Until then, I'm off to read more about Augusten's life in Running with Scissors.

Peace to all.
I used to be excited to go to tennis, now I am not so sure. When I am there, I never seem to do the right thing.

I like it more at Cataldi.

P.S. Butterflies taste with their feet.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Ah hah. Boating. This blogger from Word Press took a few golden shots of beginners who were boating. The picture so reminds me of the summer air still floating around. Wouldn't it be nice if we all took a trip down to London for some fresh air? Perhaps Golden Gate Park would be closer though, like what my brother and Jennifer did.

I hope you had a great time at the Science museum Karney, because when you were still there, I sadly biked with my 3-instead-of-4 brakes home.

I skipped the third day of the harsh conditioning and such for tennis tryouts this morning due to Senior-benches-repainting. That took an hour or so, through the cracks and the sides. Don't get me wrong, I was absolutely going to show up to tryouts afterward, but instead, I had to do what I had to do. I had to tell Stephanie L. to drive me, Camille, and Elaine back to my house to get the new roll of butcher paper to bring back to school to measure the junior hallway.

With the lack of the orange lockers, we are doomed. Okay , well let me not be such a Pessimistic Pamela yet, because now we will have more room to draw and write , or paint whatever we need to do to welcome back the Juniors! That sounds like a lot of work, but I know we will get everything done soon enough.

I do worry, but I do try hard to make time as well.

If you are wondering about something, do not hesitate to ask.