Monday, November 30, 2009

Yea Facebook, please stop distracting me so much. I need to stop taking tonight as part of the break. And right now, I am not putting any effort into the things I am working on. Minimum effort. I must get things in before 10 pm and must get enough sleep from now on.

wowowowoowowow Wow

Mark Fox-Morgon

Says here:
Paper House, 2008-2009 Recycled cast paper,
acrylic and glue 11 x 10 x 8 feet Courtesy of the Artist

I had and still have a major tooth ache today. I don't know if it's either the fact that I ate something rock hard or I ate too much candy in my dreams. But all I've been fussing over these few days are the mint covered fudge oreos. Limited Edition too. I bet they are not even limited. Good way to advertise these treats though. I'm buying the whole business marketing world of luring people into buying their merchandises.

I'm trying to slowly drift away from the materialistic world. I learned to be materialistically content yesterday. Unless some sickness like this occurs again, I'll call the ambulance. Or better yet, I'll call Peter Vu who claims to be my temporary retail therapist.

Oh and by the way, we are slowly moving into the conservatism in Euro AP. Isn't this all so exciting??? We get to talk about the Congress of Vienna again. If I have time tonight, I guess I will start making Andrea a mixed CD since I know she is really excited about receiving one after she saw me give one to Eric. Well, you are in luck Andrea, I think I just might do it.

Today I felt like drawing a squid.
Dan suggested drawing a bunch of cows getting sucked into the UFO.
So I decided to add the stage of falling into a fairly
spiky birthday cake with little flaming candles, which
happened to be stuck in between two
different planets, which could be Mars,
if you wish. And on Mars, there are fishes.

A cup of tea, a peanut butter sandwich, and some oranges will do

Sunday, November 29, 2009

I think I want to start something.

We're really... vampires

So are you scared or what?

Well today was a really relaxing day. As much as I want everyday to be like this, nothing really lasts forever and so I"m going to have to get started on studying for math sooner or later! At 3, I went to play tennis with Vincent at Cataldi and it was actually nice to have a decent talk with him again. And this time with one of my favorite things to talk about: Glee. Well, it was just another one of those days where I am really trying to decide what I want to do with next year's sports...Tommy came by and the three of us had a talk about tennis as usual.

I'm still kind of upset that nothing turned out for the third time after I tried highlighting some parts of my hair. I did every step that I was supposed to, so I don't know if I want to try this again some other day or not. I just want to find mellow music and sleep all day. I never want to get off this chair.

Another good, good song from Jennifer Chung

See, narwhals

If it's one thing that I established...

it's that I have about four other things to add on to this morning's list.

1. I have officially watched Elf 5, not 4 times. I counted wrong.
2. It's fun to just throw in a movie to watch on the computer late at night, while I am about to fall asleep in bed. It's like movie night by myself. I watched Made of Honor until morning and then I also put in some reruns of Laguna Beach Season 2.
3. Break has been so good to me.
4. It's time to get back to reality and study for tomorrow's math test. Soon.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

I love the tune

Another one for the heck of it

1. I love...Zooey Deschanel and Glee
2. Right now I somehow make the break last forever
3. I feel like... watching Elf again and again and again
4. I hate it when...
5. I fear... spiders
6. I'm lonely without...
7. I need... to know what the plan is next Friday , Saturday, and Sunday and the rest of my life. Otherwise...
8. Today I... spent a great day in Downtown San Jose with Dan
9. Tomorrow I'm... going to settle down and do homework
10. I just... finished the first Twilight book and thought it was actually not as great as the movie because I have always been more of a fan for movies than books. But books are definitely great.
11. I want to meet... Zooey Deschanel, Lauren Conrad, Priscilla Ahn
12. I'm hungry for...
13. I love it ... everyone is so nice and caring. When everyone actually wants to do community service not for college, when people have the heart to do something not for their own benefits, when there are no seeds in my grapes and oranges and fruits, when I get to go to museums, when I get to ride bikes and see sights, travel, when I get to drink orange juice, .. when... a lot of things.
14. I'm afraid of...
15. I'm listening to... the Artic Monkeys
16. I'm wearing... grey long sleeve, orange vest, blue sweater, socks, spongebob jammies, and everything else that does not match in the world
17. I wish I was in...
18. I'm craving...
19. I want to get...
20. I can... fit my whole fist in my mouth. Okay I can't.
21. I can't... yeah I can't fit my whole fist in my mouth.
22. I have... an urge to download more songs tonight and watch Elf again like I said.
23. I haven't... started reading Martha Washington for U.S. History yet.
24. I'm nervous to...
25. My Mom thinks I'm... I don't know what she thinks.
26. My Dad thinks I'm... I don't know what he thinks.
27. I think... But I think they should tell me what they think or I will think that they don't think that I'm actually thinking when I am not thinking since they are not thinking to make me think that they will think anytime soon.
28. I'm happy when... I make mixed cds for people or receive them. I'm happy when I get to give things to people. I'm happy when I get to buy the things I like for myself once in awhile. I'm happy when I am doing community service , helping others makes everyone feel good , or happy.
29. I'm sad when... Wow repetitive questions!
30. I like eating... dark , dark chocolate.
31. I hate eating... cheese. But it's alright, because I never really eat it anyway.
32. I love watching... Glee, The Secret life of the American Teenager, Gossip Girl , The Hills, The City, movies in general.
33. I love listening to... Wallflower
34. I like playing...
35. I hate waking up to... I actually used to hate waking up to gloomy weather, but now it's kind of comfortable. I like waking up to sunny weather as well. I like all the weathers out there.
36. I can see... your future , you know I can see your cat crawling out your window, so hurry and pull yourself together and not have your cat run away.
37. I'm glad that... I am nearing the end of this , but it was kind of fun in a way
38. I'm disappointed that... the last thing I ate had seeds in it.
39. I look like... a Jane I hope
40. I wish I looked like... If you wished you looked like something or something else, then we need to have a talk. Be happy to be you.

Be on the search for our tree, Tree 601

Today was a well spent morning and afternoon with a best friend. This morning my dad picked up Dan and Lin to go downtown to help decorate our school's tree for Leadership. We stopped by Starbucks to pick up some warm drinks and walked to the group. We helped put up the recyclable ornaments, lights, and other used ornaments from the past.

Not long, the decorations were done, so the three of us wandered off around downtown and walked into the Tech Museum. We wanted to see Star Trek, but there felt like there was not enough time since Lin had to leave early for her Calc class. So we walked out after looking at the unique toys and gifts in the gift shop for a long, long time. I can't wait to go back next time, to actually watch Star Trek in IMAX. Hopefully Jessica , Dan , and I will get the chance to do that next week or so.

After Lin left, Dan and I went to the Art Museum because I really wanted to check out the gallery. And surely it was flipping amazing. They said no "flash " photos, but the two of us decided to take some pictures in disguise without flash after all. There, we also made special art structures of our own. My one bike+ one cube+ another bike eventually = a bike sleigh ride? Dan created glasses and I got to keep one of his since I was able to build this odd bike, but not a pair of glasses. We sat there for quite awhile making things and then we left and my parents came to drive us to the plaza with Trader Joe's, Target, and such. We walked into Target looking at DVDs, clothes that were on sale, and other things you usually find in Target. I want to buy the game called Things and I want to play it during Christmas Break. I want to buy Taboo and Charades as well. I cannot wait for the next break to come.

So far break has been the best of the best. Well not literally, but like it feels like it has been a long time already and I like the feeling of dropping everything behind to have some fun in San Jose. Who knew that so much could happen here??? But then again, maybe it's only because it's coming so close to Christmas time. So many things can happen within the next month. Like sipping on Hot Chocolate, watching reruns of shows and movies ( like Elf and other Christmas-y movies), reading books, ice skating at the ice rinks, going back to the Art Museum to check out different exhibits, visiting the Discovery and Tech museums for real, playing board games with friends, baking Christmas cookies and gingerbread men! ( Even though I do not even know how to cook, which means I don't know how to bake, but still! ) , going to Christmas parades, and watching musicals and plays.

Well, hopefully my rantings interested you in at least some parts of today's festivities in some way. The rest of today will probably be spent watching another Christmas movie, working on some studying, and finishing the Twilight book. I am nearing the end.

P.S. The first picture of this blog is our tree! Check out the ornaments and snowflakes if you actually go visit Christmas in the Park some time! It has been opened since yesterday and will be until December 27th.

Wow or what? I believe I got this from Edwin who got this from "That Girl."

A long survey stolen from Alison

Jenny because my family has called me that almost my whole entire life. When are they going to learn!? Just kidding, it's really nothing.


Some scars on my legs

Some scars on my knees

I guess my not-soft hands that everyone does not have

aged ones that go through unstable stages

probably stapler



I have not chewed gum since 1st grade.
I do not like any condiments or cheese.
I get excited over almost.. anything.

If you knew me enough, there was no lie. I don't have any lies to tell.




Build a rocket ship with Peter like we planned.
Fight a bear with Peter like we planned.
Open our own 10 story book store like we planned.


Street hockey ( they should make that a real sport at school) I mean who wouldn't join?

Well I can't say I hate, but pet peeves more like? Oh shoot, pet peeves is down there. Well anyway,

-then I really don't have any

Clingy folks

people who are late

people who don't care



Trader Joe's


I zuno if I"ve been living around anywhere.
San Jose


Elementary School

Playing Pokemon cards with my brother
Eating the gummy worms that my grandma used to give me.

Friday, November 27, 2009

Very nature-y. I like it, Google sure has its wonders

Crazy Parking is correct!

Well first of all, Happy-almost-coming-to-an-end-Black-Friday-night to everyone out there! I am not like you amazing folks who have survived 13 hours + of shopping today at the mall (s). Unlike like last year, I did not go out at 10 pm to Jasmine's house until Black Friday night shopping all day all night. This year, I woke up a little bit late since the plan was to pick up Karney and Vivian by 4 am. Instead, it ended up being around 6 :30 am and we arrived at UO around 7 am and surely, there was a mega sale going on. The kind that goes on every two years, you know, the whole 50 percent off the marked prices. That was pretty neat and crowded , especially with the entire store dominated with AA jackets. But I have to admit that it was fun counting how many people were actually wearing them and it made me wonder if they were either all from Key Club or all ordered from Key Club or were just some really cool hipsters who I liked to admire from afar. I am so not a creep alright.

I definitely had a soothing day today. Karney, Vivian, and I ended up going to Valleyfair for a bit and then we were off to Greatmall and ran into a few of my Band friends and Trung's parents! The lines at Old Navy were not-a-surprise of being so long! I just figured that it wouldn't be worth it to get in an extremely long line just for a fairly warm, fuzzy, red scarf... Okay I will go back for that scarf next week , or someday at least.

It was fun visiting Calvin at the Levi's store! He was really excited to see us and vice versa. We messed with him for awhile asking him to find jeans for us and better sizes and then we left and before we knew it, we were off to Target. I purchased some dvds as usual to keep the tradition of buying dvds every year to keep on my shelf. Surely, I ended up with Elf, Made of Honor, and Gossip Girls' Season 1 set. I was so excited when I got home that I agreed to finally sign up for the SAT test with my mom online on Now I am definitely going to mark this on my phone calendar, computer calendar, and other exotic calendars I have out there for the date of January 23, 2010. There are to be no interruptions and exceptions made on that day besides the four hour long test. I am trusting my instincts on this one, and I am determined to work hard soon enough. Hopefully the Christmas Break will give me more time to review ( plus the advantage to hang out before I really start working back into reality again). (That means hanging out with Tiffany Truong before she goes off to vacation, since that is one thing she and I marked on my Christmas-plans-to-do-list).

Tonight, I watched Elf by myself on my computer and I really enjoyed it. It's about the 3rd time since I've seen this movie and I am just in love, love, love with it as much as I watched it the first time. Zooey Deschanel is a wonderful actress and I am totally in love with her. Will Ferrel is a great, great actor as well. But anyway after the movie, I proceeded on to working on Eric's Mixed CD and I am so excited to hand it to him on Monday. The cover I made was of course, an Elf since I was conversing with him about the movie the entire time I was watching it while he was telling me about the basketball scores that I never knew or would ever know about.

This is getting a bit lengthy, so I can't say I'm going to cut it short here, but hopefully tomorrow won't be as windy and gloomy as it seems to be! Leadership is going to go help decorate trees for Christmas in the Park tomorrow morning! So I really can't wait to pick up Lin and Dan to get to Starbucks early first thing in the morning before we get to serious biz on recyclable ornaments. Happy late Black Friday!

Thursday, November 26, 2009

I am so excited! I think Karney just ordered this shirt for the both of us!


starring Christina Milian, as a woman who longs for this perfect Christmas that happens inside of a snow globe. When fantasy reaches reality, everything messes up for her and she no longer wants to be perfect in every way anymore, and rather have a Christmas tradition that is her very own.

I spent my last two hours or so watching this cute little Christmas movie on my computer since I don't think I will be going out crazy shopping by midnight, but rather in the middle of the night around 3 or 4 am? Well, once my dad picks up Vivian. And maybe Karney, unless he decides to walk here in the middle of the night. I am so exhausted! I spent my day at my relative's house not in SF, but in San Rafael and had a nice Thanksgiving Turkey Lunch. But the adults talked for a really , really long time. But I had the patience to wait because I mean I get it, things like this only happen once a year, so they'd have more to say and catch up on. So on a brighter note, I am actually almost done with the first Twilight book. That, is how long I've stayed there. Hehe, and Jennifer's pumpkin pie was awesome! I hope everyone else has a wonderful Thanksgiving with their families for the rest of the night and I will see you guys first thing tomorrow morning!

Some of Jenn's pumpkin pie and a little thanks to...

And I have to speculate
That God himself did make us into
Corresponding shapes like puzzles pieces
From the clay

True, it may seem like a stretch
But it's thoughts like this
That catch my troubled head
When you're away, when I am missing you to death

I don't know what it is. Maybe it's waking up too early in the morning to make Green Tea to continue to do my homework or basically not sleeping at all on a normal daily basis. But I woke up fairly early this morning and realized that today is the first real day where I got to just sit there and stare at the walls for awhile. Okay not stare at the walls, but I'm a sucker for the first Twilight book. People were right, Edward Cullens is the cutest in there. And bringing myself back to reality, it's time to appreciate a few people and one thing.

Eric-Thanks for being my real brother. Even though we were not close back then, and still not as much right now, I'm thankful that I can tell you what the latest news are and tell you which movie sucks and what not. I still think you're cool. I love you.

Grandma- You are the cutest. I love you the most most most. Stay strong and healthy the way you are.

Mom , Dad- I am thankful for everything you guys have done for me. No seriously, everything. I love you guys.

Jennifer-Thanks for being so sister-like to me, and caring for me whenever I needed the help. Thanks for always sharing the good things with me, and cooking, and making me mixed CDS, and so much more. I love you.

Dan-Of course, you are a true furball. Keep starring at those egg and ham sandwiches you have, because I am not making you food anytime. Thanks for 12 years of a not fairly, but "cool and freedom-like" friendship. You are zee best. I love you.

Anne-Thank you also, for a great 12 years of friendship. We have always been able to run back to each other and still be the same. You are already like family as well. I love you.

Vivian-Thanks for always listening to me complain about the good and bad things in life. Well generally, I'm glad to know someone like you. I can't wait for Black Friday. I love you.

Lin-Thanks for always being there for me. You are someone who has experienced almost everything with me. I mean Band, Leadership, ... and more. You were always great and will always still be. I love you.

Alison-I'm glad that we became great friends again and I enjoy hanging out with you whenever I get the chance to. You were always an unique one. Thanks for being so funny. I love you.

Justin Tang-You are such an oddball. But I am one as well. I've known you for a little more than four years and you've brought a lot of joy to the crowd. Thank you for being so funny and.. funny. I love you.

Sherry-You are the best Key Club President anyone could ask for. Never let anyone tell you that you are not doing enough. You deserve better. You have a lovely singing voice. I love you.

Karney-You were always there for me and I have not been able to be there for you as much. But I will try to show more appreciation from now on. I am glad to know a " bro" like you. You bring the fun things into life. Thanks for being so sharing and caring. I love you.

Trung, Kevin, Danny- You guys are sure some true bros. I am thankful to hang out with you guys all the time. Thanks for always listening to me complain and spaz about everything I talk about. I love you guys.

Tennis- I guess I am somewhat thankful for you. I thought it wouldn't have been complete if I didn't see you somewhere on the list. So here it is. I kind of love you.

And last but not least, Happy Thanksgiving to all. I am thankful to know all of you guys.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Wednesday, is that really you?

Wednesday has arrived at last. Break will begin for me in 2 hours after this tedious math quiz that I actually did kind of somewhat study for, ends. Then back to watching Bajo La Misma Luna in la clase de espanol tres.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

In the making

One of the many longest roads in life

is to go through graphing such complicated inequalities. And word problems make the problems not for the better, but for the worse. What is up with this? I do not enjoy learning math at all. Not only when I get it do I finally feel relieved, but I also get all irritated because a problem is not worth solving for in one hour for the answer of ( 0 , 0 ) or ( 1, 1, 1, 1) in the end. Graphing lines can go wrong in every way and it isn't worth the trouble converting all the equations into the graphing calculator. The graphing calculator really is not as cool as it seems.

Someone help me. I strongly dislike math. But thank God that Euro AP is done for the week. The DBQ just came to me this morning. Though I am not sure how I did, it is over now, and I am sure that this math quiz will fly by as soon as morning strikes and first period hits.

Short day is going to rush all the sense in me, but I guess I am still willing to deal with it because if I am not, how else would I? I can't and would not avoid it simply because I am not a quitter. I am not literally a fighter though. Midnight is rolling in soon. Approximately 29 minutes from now.


I am still working on this DBQ early in the morning. I need some of that Cinnamon Toast Crunch now. I've been listening to the online station of KOIT (96.5). It's been a few days now. The Christmas songs are just so soothing. They totally get me into the Christmas, winter-y mood. Thanks for showing the online station Jennifer.

Monday, November 23, 2009

This shirt design makes me so sad

Why must they always twist the good things into filthy designs? Stop drinking and doing drugs and start doing homework.

Reblogs on Tumblr aren't my thing... but Blogspot is a different story

I am just getting started to really look deep into this DBQ topic. It says , " explain the reasons for the adoption of a new calendar in revolutionary France and analyze reactions to it in the period 1789 to 1806." I know I want to group it with 2 reasons and 1 reaction, but I'm starting to second guess if I should do 1 reason and 2 reactions instead. It's going to be such a long night because I have to get the povs in and think about how I am going to outline this essay by tomorrow. Wish me luck. Lots of luck. Please and thank you very much.

I told Dan to flash a cool look, and look. Oh, and Anne fits in a box.

So I just got back from school a few minutes back, and I am not ready to work on the DBQ for Euro AP yet. Not until I get settled down after I shower! Staying after school IS fun when you do something meaningful and have interesting talks. We stayed after school today to hand out the newly arrived American Apparel Jackets and it was a good thing that many people showed up. I am truly sorry for the ones who were not able to make it, but I believe that we will have them again tomorrow along with the other colors.

After everyone pretty much left, Sherry and the rest of us migrated into Mr. De La Rosa's room which was right across from where we stood to pass out the jackets earlier. And from there, Mr. De La Rosa and us had long talks about all the different shows out there. It was really neat talking to him because he was trying to teach us life lessons about how like we shouldn't just throw away everything after we learn the material, because it eventually comes in use someday to everyone. So advice taken , because he told us about his past and it really reminded me of myself because that is exactly how I am right now. The one that wants to just finish this and earn the grade and leave or the one who thinks that everything will be a little bit easier and loose after high school. Well, advice taken again.

Today's Euro AP 80 question Unit Test was a true bummer. I totally fell asleep from all the questions that seemed so similar to the ones I have reviewed. Shame on this horrible memory. But the Spanish test was a relief. It's a good thing I studied prior and made notecards at 5 in the morning, so I was able to get some of the vocabulary words and grammar in before 5th period. I have to thank Raman because I think she was a little bit lenient on some of my answers. So I happily passed with an average grade and kept my B-.

Things are getting a little bit better now, and hopefully when all these tests and quizzes ( and tomorrow's big essay for Euro ) passes, I'll have a great Thanksgiving with my family and a wowza Black Friday with Vivian, and the bros.

From Princess Karney

Sunday, November 22, 2009

I pretty much studied for Euro all day and I think this night is finally coming to an end thanks to Chong. I owe it to you. I have not gotten around to my Spanish book yet... But the test is tomorrow. So until tomorrow morning, I will be heading off to bed. I promised myself that I wouldn't pull another all-nighter. I promised myself a minute ago. So goodnight.

AA Jackets are here!

MONDAY, we will be passing out Cranberry, Mauve, Navy, Dark Heather Grey, Mermaid Green, Red, Deep Pink, Dark Orchid, White, and Sunshine. If you ordered these colors, then please meet outside of E-13 at 3:30. In order to receive, your jacket, you MUST bring your ID card, there will be no exceptions! Thank you!

Tuesday is the second day for American Apparel jackets pick-up. The colors for today are Black, Sea Blue, Purple, Lapis, Asphalt, and Forest. If you ordered these colors, then please meet outside of E-13 at 3:30. In order to receive your jacket, you MUST bring your ID card, there will be no exceptions. Thank you!

first First Lady and Edward Cullens

So I finally came around to purchasing Twilight. I decided to pick it up at the bookstore today since I was looking for a biography about a U.S. Historical figure anyway, in which I chose Martha Washington. I pondered around the history section of books for quite awhile, and I have to say that they have an abundant amount of interesting historical books. ( I want to read about the Italy/British/Africa history related books someday! Maybe during Christmas break, when I get all the reading I want to get done, done.)

Sunny Sunday Morning

There's a full day ahead of me and I will make use of it. I have to open that big Euro AP book and study with the Cliff notes that I have, to get ready for the Big Unit Test tomorrow. I almost forgot that I had a Spanish Test as well. Goodness, I think I will have to hurry and pick up those jackets from Sherry's house to sort at home, then rush to Border's to get my U.S. History book, buy ink from Fry's , and then back home to work on math homework as well. I am lost at sea with this math section. But I am kind of glad that there are 3 days ahead. 3 days of hardwork = 2 days of fun: Thanksgiving, and Black Friday all day. It's all going to be worth it in the end like how it usually is.
So Eclipse comes out on June 30 , 2010 according to these " These are right!" Yahoo answers. I am so excited! I am definitely going to go to the midnight premiere with Alison and Justin this summer. I cannot wait. But now, all I can do is pig out on delicious pumpkin pie and sit here in my cozy room with my cozy blanket over me, and chat with my friends on Aim.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Tiny Tiny Part of the Kingdom

Those purple tables already spark up the vitality of the store. It makes me so happy.

Pie Bake and the cutest Ben

I am surprised that my sensitive eyes are not getting that exhausted, dry, or watery at the moment. I just got back from Great Mall awhile ago. Yes, I went to become one of those crazy New Moon fans at the theatres with my favorite Alison. Anne, Trung, and Karney didn't show much emotions and were pretty much expressionless , but Alison and I went Crazy Connie when Edward and Jake came out. Wow, such a great movie, possibly due to the fact that I have not read any of the books of the series yet. ( Which I will be getting to soon!)

I wish I chose that book for English, but then Ms. Gavino said that she had read all of them and that she'd know it from front to back and vice versa, so I chose my personal favorite The Glass Castle just to be safe. I like re reading my favorite books anyway. They are what brings the most fun because you always catch something that you have not the first few times.

Pie bake was impressive. I had a good time helping Karney and Trung make designs for the Charlie Brown Thanksgiving Theme. They won the first round of the pie contest with the prize of each getting extra activities. So gold stars for them! The pie bake surprisingly didn't end at 5 pm, so that gave us time to go home and get ready for the movies and theater. It was literally that epic. The grand opening of Forever 21 was wow. THE KINGDOM. Or that is what I am going to refer it to. I bought a few hats and top and I am so excited to go back again soon! Black Friday! Excitement.


Friday, November 20, 2009

Homemade Thanksgiving Cards

7 of these took me 7 hours. Okay I am exaggerating. I took about an hour or so to make 7 Charlie Brown Thanksgiving Cards during my spare time for some people I am thankful for. There are so many more to make, but I am going to stop here tonight and go read behind these early Christmas tunes.


The Euro AP test was similar in so many ways to the printouts I hurriedly printed out this morning! I studied all morning, ( pretty much all night, minus 1.5 hours) , and straight two periods before taking the test and I think I will earn at least an average grade. I am glad that one thing's covered for today. It's finally Friday! Friday after school and the day that I finally get to rest. No spirit band, no homework tutoring, no tennis, nothing. Just me, books, and more homework... but catch ups on Gossip Girl, The Hills, and The City! I think I will just miss out on the CCS Football game at PHHS tonight because I really don't think I want to go out, since I have to study for my Saturday School test for tomorrow. It's going to be a big yet small one. I feel it.

Today, we put up the decorations in the hallways and they are looking flipping good! I like how we're showing so much Thanksgiving spirit and there is thankfulness everywhere. The wall of Thank You Cards is my favorite.

P.S. I kind of want to see New Moon this weekend, but I know I won't have time.