Tuesday, August 31, 2010

new mix cd cover
fishes inspired by the crafty crow.

these shoes

that you see here don't feel comfortable at all. I just like wearing animal prints from time to time.

Monday, August 30, 2010


(J' mon carre)
We need to experience to learn. We need to seek to explore. We need to sacrifice to achieve. We need to take risks to live. We need to appreciate to love.

We may not be happy with some of the things that we have done in the past, but we should be grateful to learn from our mistakes. We only get to live once. So live life without regrets. Live life like there's no tomorrow.

Happy Monday.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Pack Up Your Troubles-Minnutes

I really like this version of the song. I can't wait for school tomorrow! Goodnight everyone.
 I felt like sketching some bricks today.

"Sometimes failure is a part of balancing out the things in your life."


This morning, Lin and I went to Eastridge to watch the first show of Eat, Pray, Love at 10:00 a.m. because we had after plans late in the afternoon. My goodness, it was by far one of the most meaningful 2 hours and 13 minutes of my life. In my personal opinions, the beginning started out a bit rocky and dull, but the film eventually evened out and ended up being a fantastic work of art.

Then we got lost on some bus and both pretended that we were on the right roads. Hehe, we didn't end up having lunch at Santana Row, but we did end up eating pasta and pie at Flames in Downtown San Jose. So that means I basically spent my weekend exploring Downtown two days in a row. Sweet. Sweet strawberries.

Our late after plans consisted of changing out of nowhere to go to this Youth Group for this one organization with Lin and her mama. Because I did not know that we were supposed to be in business casual wear, my denim shorts and strapped sandals did not do. So Lin hurried and put on her old uniform and let me wear her loose jeans and one size smaller Lacrosse shoes. Yikes. But it was worth the experience. I got exposed to new cultural traditions and met some new people from different high schools.

The best part of my day just happened four hours ago. I watched the two hour Drop Dead Diva Season 2 Finale three hours earlier. It was by far one of the best endings ever shown. Expected, yet unexpected. That's what I love about shows and everything else in the world.

what do you see in this picture?

there's a high possibility that you might actually say that you see lin's smile in this picture. but no, this is her upset face. we were lost in frustration and starvation this afternoon.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

a few more things

1. my dad and i went biking after i got back with hanging out with ngan
2. my dad didn't want to bike up this shortcut
3. i cannot fall asleep for some reason
4. i am still working on dan's mix
hey dad

The Wolf Likes Pork

So this was one of the videos that we sat down and watched. It's super cute and amazing.

The Plastic Life Exhibit

The new art exhibits at the San Jose Museum of Art are fantastic. Ngan and I spent a good two hours or so inside just watching short clips of videos, making cubes, and getting fascinated by different sculptures and paintings. My favorite exhibit was The Plastic Life because it showed a few videos using animation with lots of different digital techniques within a short period of time. But I could only imagine how long it took to put together those animated videos. The exhibit also let us see a little bit of what life was like back in some countries. The whole exhibit was sort of a mixture of the ancient and futuristic days combined. No, the whole exhibit was just sort of.. amazing.

I love going to the art museum.

So we had a really delicious brunch at Bijan before we went inside the art museum. The Bijan Special Bread Roasted Chicken Sandwich tasted like heaven. We also got the chance to help out two homeless men by purchasing sandwiches and coffee for them.

After exploring Downtown and the Art Museum, we went to the World Market, the best store on earth. I bought a golden aluminum bottle. And get this, it's so much bigger than my Earthlust white aluminum bottle that I got from Treehouse in Berkeley with my brother and Jennifer. So I will continue to display the white aluminum can on my shelf for now and use the new aluminum bottle for school. I know it will come in handy because I get thirsty quite fast.

We had lunch at Chili's and let me just say that I am the worst person to go out to eat with because I never seem to be able to finish my plates. I need to order from the Kid's Menu from now on.

a wonderful day in downtown with ngan

peace trucks
someone from our school drew this
new amazing exhibits
cute bike on the left
in the alley
telephone booth with no telephone inside
3 bikes inside the museum
some documentary
i couldn't help but put them in order
someone drew a cat and it was not me or ngan. the bottom two boxes are mine.
best exhibit overall
at the world market with the cutest pillows

Ms. Moneymaker, here is the essay that does not relate to Greek Mythology.

(This isn't actually for Ms. Moneymaker, my English 4 teacher).

I'm so used to waking up early in the morning around this time that I decided to talk about how my week went down. It's just that so much happened.

So over a course of one week, the P.E. Special Ed class really started pulling it together by working together as a cooperative team for soccer out in blazing hot sun every day. Mr. Ward, Ms. Sheena, Jonathan, Felicia, and I continued to help them work on push-ups and curl-ups and I thought it was the cutest thing when they all paired up to be partners. Amy and Khaled started to stay with the group more often instead of wandering off by themselves all the time. Yesterday, out of nowhere, Amy offered me a warm hug.  You see, she is usually the one who gets angered easily and likes to use profanity around her classmates. But I suppose a light came through yesterday. We also walked to the GYM together for the first Welcome Back Rally. I had my camera ready, but it ran out of batteries. It was an oh-darn-it moment.

But overall, the first rally was a success and I am really glad that I got to watch the people act out the skits instead of putting them together this year. It's always nice to see new ideas getting thrown out because I know people are very creative nowadays and it makes me happy that each class had something unique to present to their audience. You have to love the Sophomores because the two officers who are twins, are geniuses. They have the neatest printing on their class posters, plus the most crazy and creative ideas that can only be thought of by the two of them.

On the other hand, I also got a call-back from Bill, the manager from the tutoring place, on Tuesday night (a.k.a. the night that I decided I was going to play tennis with the team again). It was a surprise because he told me that he knew that I really wanted the job because I kept calling and looking for him in person. Well he was right about that. Therefore I could only forget about rejoining the tennis team and focus on what I was aiming for in the first place all summer at that point.

So I started on Wednesday afternoon and I met Jessica Dam because she was the other tutor. I also met the new kids: Luna, Jordan, Chad, Melanie, Nikki, Kim, Kobay, Shirley, and Vy. In general, they are very nice kids. In my classroom, I have the 1st to 4th graders and everyone really likes to play Castle and Dragon a lot. What that is, is a pretend game of some people pretending to be dragons, and others pretending to be in the royalty house. Overall, it's a pretend game. But don't mistaken this for a daycare center even though it sounds like a total play den. I do try to persuade them to do work by bribing them every day. On the first two days, I bought them all ice cream two doors down from the tutoring center at Pure Water, but that was only because they all did their work for once. I know I can't buy them all something forever though, so I will definitely try to find some other way to try to reward them if they finish their work. Maye a little treasure chest would work out.

Apparently the whole place strongly hates Bill with a passion. So we gave him the codenames of "Flowers" or "Cakes" whenever he comes in to check up on us once a day. I learned that the office lady in the front gives us the warning when he is about to walk in every day at a certain time. Think of The Devil Wears Prada of how everyone freaks out when Meryl Streep or "Miranda" walks in. That's how it is with Bill.  But once he leaves, we either go back to learning or playing with noise. I feel that because he is such a control freak, no one has respect for his deep pessimistic personality inside. But I cannot say much because I just got hired so I will see how things go  as times passes by. I also put together a binder with dividers inside. In between, I have logs with what each kid did on a certain day, labeled with reading and math work book page numbers that have been completed. I learned to use the copy machine the correct way after Bill gave me a 20 minute long lecture of how to do it on the second day of work.

Although it has only been three short days of a total of nine hours with them this week, I feel as though I have known them for three long years. Each kid in there has a different story behind them and they all deserve to be treated better. They make me want to stay to help them improve on what they to be improved on. I like to listen to them because they always have so much to say and I love the enthusiasm. They're so adorable but it takes a lot of time to sweet talk and bribe them through things to get them to do a little bit of work. But nobody likes to be forced and I know exactly how it feels to be forced to do something when I don't want to. So I don't like to push them to do work three hours straight each day. I mean who can actually work for that long without taking at least a five to thirty minute break? That's what I'm saying, everyone could use a break some time.

With that said, I am also finally starting to pull my Avid Leadership class together. The self tutorial training is currently happening on the Avid website and I am learning how to work with the program and put groups together to start the tutorial processes every day. It sounds like a really amazing opportunity to help more people out in the subjects that I may feel strongest in, so I am very excited. I may not be able to teach the highest level of math or some sort of complicated rocket science work, but I can teach the other subjects that are less difficult for me to understand, at a better-paced level with patience.

Oh, and I got nominated as an NHS member. I almost forgot about it yesterday until I heard the announcements for once in Mr. Jone's usual noisy American Government class. So that is definitely something to smile about. It just tells me that sometimes when you want and wait for something for too long, day and night, you might not always end up getting it. But if you let it be and continue to do whatever it is that you do, you just might end up with that something.

Friday, August 27, 2010

work day 3

In the yellow, blue, and white polo is Jordan. In the blue, white, and black polo is Chad. In red is Kobay (pronounced Koby). In pink is the usual Luna like the moon.

welcome back rally

taken from the senior perspective

happy friday

Thursday, August 26, 2010

twin day, sort of

these are my two girl friends: vivian and jasmine

cuties on the left to right

Work Day 2

work day 1

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

it's a school night and i dare make myself a mix CD for the first time. in case you were wondering, i am the colorful crane that is hanging down freely. tonight i am going to sleep early and try to remember the athens and sparta facts for tomorrow's first greek mythology quiz for english. then i will work on what to say for the sociology enlightenment presentation tomorrow afternoon.

102 degrees

The Special Ed kids worked on their trunk-lift tests today. I love how Kyle, the new kid who arrived last Friday morning, gets hyper so easily. He just loves jumping around and it's so fun to work with him because he likes to smile so widely all the time. Today Hanh, who is the first friend I made when I first started aiding, forgot my name because I had my hair down. But then she remembered me a few minutes later when I told her that it was still me, the one who helped her blow dry her shorts under the hand dryer when it was soaked with corn juice yesterday. When she was sure I was Jane, she held my hand to the weight room. Then she definitely recognized me when she told me to peel her banana for her during break.

I say this all the time, but Tuesdays were always meant to be great.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Hey Summer... Did you just roll in?

What's going on? 90 degrees have been kicking in and out of the house for countless hours.

Despite the drastic weather change, I had a great day overall, because most of the Special Ed kids smiled at me today. Speaking of smiles, the word "smiles" is the new longest word in the English history because it has a mile in between the first and last letter. I learned this nifty fact from The Know-It-All. I am currently on page 200. 169 more pages to go.

Senior Bench Painting

Since there was lots of extra time today, Vivian and I decided to stay after school to do the bench repainting. Technically it was not a repaint event for me because I did not show up the first time during the summer. But I had a lot of fun painting with different colors this afternoon. I painted the TGIFS in gold because Sean let us borrow some of his gold paint and I thought we deserved some gold-ness. I painted Lin's name with an exclamation point because that is how she says her name out loud on the announcements every single day. And Dan, I also added "Batteries" in black.