Friday, October 30, 2009

The Cutest Ben

Big Hare Are You There?

Our Tribal group was quite successful today. I had to admit that I had the most fun at school today and this kind of jittery feeling hasn't come to me in such a long, long time. Everyone was so festive and there were unique costumes everywhere. I especially loved Ben's and Stacy's! Ben was a grape made out of complete purple balloons and Stacy was Lady Gaga with surrounded bubble wrap and a nice touch of colorful different sized balloons taped to her bubble wrap. She was like a real celebrity during band. I mean literally, everyone wanted to take pictures with her!

I had a great time at lunch with the tribe because we took so many pictures and bumped into the exercise girls as well. It was nice seeing everyone come together in so many Kodak moments. I honestly cannot wait until tomorrow and next year's Halloween dress up day at school!

I uploaded the pictures on Facebook before I went to Mt. Pleasant today to see Indy and Evergreen play in the playoffs for tennis. When it was almost over, my dad and I left and he took me to Target to do the quick prints of today's pictures because I was so anxious to have them in my hands. I can't wait to start a new collection of scrapbooking when I have the time to do so again. But as for tonight, I will have to work on my Saturday school homework, catch up on some episodes of The Hills and The City, and watch The Proposal. I hope everyone who is at the Treat for Uganda show is enjoying themselves! I can't wait to hear all about it.
Oh my goodness. I was so tired this morning. I think I am going to write the sentences and memorize the presentation throughout the day. Hopefully all goes well today. Happy day before Halloween! I hope the Halloween Contest goes successful!

Thursday, October 29, 2009

I am so, so excited for tomorrow! The Tribal Wear that Vivian and I wanted to do now includes 4 other members. We are going to become the Tribal family with the names of:
  • Young Grasshopper
  • Big Hare
  • Silent Monkey
  • Sleeping Dino
  • Strong Wolf
  • Jumping Badger
  • Dancing Elephant
I hope that tomorrow will be as fun as tonight! The Mother-Father-Daughter-Son dance was truly a successful night with the help of all the Leadership students and people who supported us. I was so happy that many parents came and had a great time! The dance was a blast with the whole old school dancing and hippie music! I liked everyone's costumes and how it was so festive throughout the entire night. I cannot wait to bring my parents next year! I just finished making the tribal headbands just now and I think I am about to head off to the shower. Afterward, I am looking forward to getting some rest and then waking up early in the night to get my Spanish presentation together.

I want tomorrow to come already! I have my outfit all ready and I hope the others do too. It's going to be pictures here and there all day! Then after school, we are going to have a tennis bonding day. Well somewhat. Coach is forcing us to go to the Mt. Pleasant playoffs featuring Independence High School's tennis team and if we do not, we have to run the extra perimeters. I can barely walk normally for the passed few days, so I will go watch this important game. After, I think they mentioned something about going to dinner. Well, until then we will see! Have a good night everybody. See you all first thing tomorrow!

Tribal Wear

Mother-Father-Daughter-Son Dance!

So, so sore.
I hate conditioning.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

So this is what my mother came up with for carving the pumpkin for my Leadership class. Those are the bunny ears I used to wear in 1st grade.
P.P.S. I wish I was Miranda Cosgrove. I wish I was in Italy right now and that it's almost midnight and that I was able to order strawberry and pistachio ice cream off room service just for my cravings.

Maybe we can actually visit Europe together someday.
We worked on our calacas today in Spanish 3 again. Calaca stands for skeleton in Spanish. I will show you all what mine looks like in a bit. I just finished running the perimeter for tennis a few minutes ago and I am dead tired and sore. My legs don't even feel like jello anymore, they actually feel worse. I can barely stand for a long time. This is the real torture. I am about to head off to piano class after I practice some last minute songs again, and then come back to start my Math-Analysis homework and Spanish presentation preparation.

Again, thank you for canceling the Euro AP test Ms. Davis, although I was actually looking forward to this chapter in some way. Hehe.

So when I have the extra time tonight, I will work on Trung's tribal band. I know, I know. A lot of people are already doing this, but oh well, the more , the merrier.

P.S. Don't forget to come to the Mother-Son-Father-Daughter Dance tomorrow night at 7! Tickets are $10. There will be food AND entertainment! Bring your ma's and pa's guys!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Well well, webcamming has once again distracted Dan and I from working. Tonight won't be a long night though. Hopefully tomorrow morning won't be a disaster. With the Chapter 16 test canceled for Euro AP this Thursday, I have more time to gather myself for the study guide and start the math homework.

I picked up a book at Border's tonight and it is called The Painted Bird by Jerzy Kosinsk. And I love, love, love the cover. I will show you tomorrow morning.

Sneak peak Friday

Alison: Men are trying to sell perfume in parking lots. DON’T SMELL IT. It’s not perfume and you WILL pass out. You know what, don’t even go near them. It’s a new rape tactic. Reblog to notify ya girls!

Hey Voyager, what are you doing here!?

Hopefully today will somehow turn out as sunny as yesterday, so I can read my Euro AP book in the sun again. Good luck to all who have tests today.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Oh my goodness, so cute. Such a great Halloween kind of thing going on.

Just thought I'd throw this out there, since the mascot for Los Gatos was a "Wildcat."

Los Gatos

We spent our last game of the season at Los Gatos with a final score of 3-4 as an entire score for the team. Christine and I scored 2-6 for both sets for our Doubles 3 spot and walked off the courts still happy. Overall, it has been another one of those great experiences. I actually got some reading in for Euro AP while waiting for the other girls to finish their games. So success to that. Congrats to Sherry, Angela, and Martha for winning the three matches for our team.

I came home today and walked into a complete different work area. I am so thankful that my mom and dad changed the way I organized things around my room. The bed, white drawer from Ikea, tables and everything, they were all rearranged. Now I don't feel as claustrophobic and there is more room for me to sit and walk in.

Today's math test was wowza. It wasn't difficult, but I am just anxious about what the score will turn out to be. I should have taken that wild guess for number 29 when she said it would be for bonus since she did not teach us.

After the game today, I was having second thoughts about next season. There are just so many things going on and so many decisions that I will have to make so soon. Otherwise, I really don't know. We will see until then.
math test today first thing

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Such Brilliant Photos

pictures are from here

Yo quiero Taco Bell?
Thank you Alison.

Witch Fingers!

Super disturbing and spooky,
but super neat.
These are the spunky treats
that we should make and eat
on Saturday night!

picture here

13 hours of Adventurous Moments

So to TRY ( but probably not going to happen) to summarize my Saturday briefly, yesterday was another day full of eventful activities under the warm weather that we get in Cali. First off was having French Toast Dips and OJ on Carl's Jr's breakfast menu in the morning with Lin and her parents. Next off was California's Great-est America where we had our FRN ( Fall Rally North) rally/assembly at the Redwood Amphitheater. I was really glad that it was outdoor because there was so much spirit within the many divisions surrounding us. It was nice to see the district executives and all the LTGS. I definitely had an amazing experience there and I truly cannot wait to go to DCON (District Convention), which by the way, is in Sacramento this year! So it is super duper close by. I heard next year it will be held in Long Beach and then in Santa Clara in 2012, the year I graduate.

Throughout the day, Great America was definitely dominated by the many Key Clubbers on all the rides, in the countless lines, and more. We heard the Key Club cheer everywhere we went and had to do spirit battles as well. I can't say that I have a favorite ride of all time, but what I enjoyed the most about my time being there was that swirl ice-cream cone I got, since I was craving for ice-cream or cake all day.

When I got home, not long, my dad and I went to pick up Lin to go downtown to attend the break-down volunteer event for Light the Night. When we got there, people were just about finishing the walk for Leukemia. I thought it was amazingly neat that they had lights inside the balloons. To think that I would get one next year just makes me a little more excited! So we just went in and figured that they did not need any more volunteers. So Lin and I just went around to hang out with whoever we saw and not surprisingly, we saw our group of Interact friends. We hung around for a bit, and thus started our downtown cruising adventures. Due to the darkness of the night, we went through 20 minutes of adventurous moments within the allies, restaurants, and more. Sometimes it's nice to have a best friend do such crazy risky things with you when you have no idea where you are.

At the end of the night, my dad picked us up and he took us to my favorite Bijan Bakery ( thanks to Jennifer), and we had chocolaty desserts there. We are so excited to go back next week to pick up the Fancy Mango Mousse cakes for Halloween! We best get a few slices of that delicious looking pumpkin pie as well! Well until then, have fun looking through the pictures I selected out.

Saturday, October 24, 2009