Friday, September 10, 2010

Special Olympics Soccer Tournament

Lake Cunningham Park

This is Anh. He always keeps his helmet on.
riding the VTA bus to get to Lake Cunningham Park
Richard and his cart
Huy (But we call him Nintendo Wi)
giddy Sara
first class to get there

from left to right: Sara, Hanh, Jane

Kyle just loves hugging others.
Richard loves his jersey.

team picture

Eliza (pronounced Alyssa) and her fancy headbands

Caleb with his poses
From left to right: Caleb, AJ (but we call him A to the J), and Huy
From left to right: Ben, Nate, crazy Julie, and Caleb
game time
Jonathan with the ball
giddy Sara as the goalie
team handshake
What do you notice in this picture? Abigail took Anh's helmet off and tried it on herself. This made Anh laugh for a few seconds. Golden moment.
Alex and his cute haircut.
Whenever Julie and I see each other, we stick our tongues out for some reason and make animal noises. That's our greet.
This is Hannah (Abigail) Montana.  She loves Miley Cyrus.

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