Sunday, September 5, 2010

watch out for the dead snake ahead and the barking dogs behind

I think I've gotten enough exercise for the weekend. Yesterday I went biking with my papa from San Jose down to Milpitas and around for about two hours.

Today I went jogging from my house to Alum Rock Park with Lin for a few hours until we decided to stop by Ruby Frozen Yogurt to try some of the blueberry and mango flavors.

This early morning's Key Club event was a cheery one because my job was to help encourage the race's runners to not give up and continue running until the finish line.

Also, I actually came through with watching Camp Rock 2 yesterday night all by myself. Yes it was good and I liked it. Disney movies tend to always have satisfactory story lines and happy endings. I thought the movie was very sweet after all. It's just too bad that I didn't get to watch it with Jenell during the movie premiere. I remember we used to talk about the very same movie every day during the summer days of P.E. class. We promised each other that we would watch the second movie together no matter what and that it was the one thing that was going to stay between the two of us forever. But things change and are going to continue changing. Although we didn't end up seeing the movie together, we both still managed to watch the movie somehow, some way. So I'm glad either way. Promises can be broken and friendships can drift apart, but unlucky events can't stay unfortunate forever. Good things always tend to follow up right behind. That's what I truly believe. Things just take time. Besides, who wouldn't want to live life on the greener side of the grass?

I'm really glad that I've been able to just go jogging with Lin more often lately. Whether it be for school dilemmas or life questions,  it's just nice to have an understanding friend out there to actually listen and talk to me through the thick and the thin. I appreciate the fact that Lin will always be there to hear me out and aid me through the uncovered obstacles in life. Though I must admit that life could be unfair at times, not every part of it is hapless. There's always something left at the end of each day that could change your mind about something. I mean you never know. It could happen any moment, in just a quick blink of an eye.

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