Saturday, August 15, 2009

What time is it? 8 am... 8:37 pm...So I don't exactly know how great or successful the Leadership car wash today, because Dan and I spent most of the time on the other side of the Saturday Farmer's Market. Today was a little bit more interesting because some Boy Scout Troop set up a mini flea market-like sale on the other side of the parking lot. Therefore, this made the entire area more enthusiastic and exciting.

In my opinion, selling Kirkland water and cans of soda (SunKist, 7-Up, and Root Bear) came in as a handy-dandy way of earning money for the Junior Class of 2011. I had a wonderful time walking up and down , advertising with the heavy red cooler. We even handed out a few icy, cold water bottles to the singers, Mr. Fish Guy, and including Lisa, the lady who agreed to let us sell at the market.

Coming back was not a drag at all. I quickly ate lunch and waited for Dan and Kimmy to come over. It's like camping everyday in my garage when we plan to work on Homecoming painting. We eventually stop everything and just roll around with my brother's old skateboard, Jennifer's scooter, and such. 13 and Fruits come in use when a tempting deck of 52 cards lay in front of your eyes.

The night ended with some helpful tips for tennis from Mr. Tim at Cataldi, once again.

P.S. If you are ever on the verge of quitting, never quit.

1 comment:

Dan Truong said...

we'll be washin' cars all day over there
we'll be washin' cars all day if you care
we'll be washin' your old and dirty cars and makin' them nice and pretty
so bring your cars over if you care!