Friday, April 16, 2010

Darn. Trung, you were too lucky. I will meet you some day, Marie Digby. I want to see Zooey Deschanel first though.

Tonight, Wind Ensemble went to Evergreen to perform for the CMEA Band Festival. As usual, every year I make a comment about how the inside of the bus looks like a spaceship.

Lin and I also visited the PHHS Carnival tonight 30 minutes before it closed down. It's actually not that fascinating, but the fact that Trung, Mymy, and them were still there was. I want to win some goldfishes home tomorrow, but I'm not sure if I am ready to own some new pets that will only swim for less than a week.

See you guys at the Pancake Parade tomorrow! Take note that it's actually not a real parade.


1 comment:

Sherryyyy said...

Every fish that I have had as a pet, died in less than a week.