Monday, April 26, 2010

Let The Campaign Begin

So now it is currently Monday a little passed midnight. Lin left about an hour ago and today was counted as another one of the most productive days we've experienced together. Thanks to the help of Vincent, Sherry, Anne, Karney, Dan, Lin, and my lovely parents, I was able to get most of the campaign supplies ready. I set out early this morning to collect and gather my supplies before I called everyone over for a campaign party. For Lin and me, I bought lots of ninjas, finger puppet monsters, erasers that are crayons, and toys that are similar to spin tops. At Staples, I picked up some cute labels that we could tie together (and then get them tangled) on the toys that we are going to pass out.

Taking a big break, it was really fun to hang out in the dark with Karney, Anne, and Sherry when all we did was be indecisive about where to eat before Junior Prom starts this Saturday. Karney insisted on heading over to Thai Lovers, but if we are not going to go to Maggiano's, then the rest of the group would probably prefer going to Macaroni Grill by McCarthy Ranch, where it's also close by. But we will see.

In about a few hours, Lin and I are going to go to school to post up our campaign posters. I am glad that Monday, a.k.a. today, is going to start out sunny and end sunny. I just find it ridiculous that the weather likes to rain and then shine, often.

P.S. I already emailed Mr. Meyer about the Junior Prom photos and hopefully he will let me know if I should know anything about the appointment schedules, if there are any.

P.PS. The strawberries are on sale at Safeway and they are worth every bite.


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