Wednesday, April 7, 2010

a novel by J.D. SALINGER
Well I don't know about you, but if you are like Peter, who likes to sit in front of Athena, his brand new computer, trying to find new strategies to level up in let's say, a game like Heroes of Newerth, then it is time my friend.  It is time to pick up a new book to read. The Catcher in the Rye was phenomenal. The character's personality in the book kind of reminded me of Andy Warhol's. It's one of those books where you purchase off the racks and don't put down until night time.

This morning I went running at Cataldi at 8 am and had a nice talk about movies with Kevin at the swings area afterward. When Tiffany came, she was nice enough to walk with me to Mickie D's to get a McChicken and nothing else. Before we knew it, we were at Target in Capitol. At Jamba Juice, what else would I order besides the Strawberry Surf-Rider? Well that's because I'm slowly drifting away from the Razzmatazz phase, but it's still one of the best! Coming back, we put the new Kodak 200 film in my fisheye camera and then the two of us were back to Cataldi sharing a bag of Orville Redenbacher's popcorn. I decided to head off to the tennis courts shortly after, and I have to say that I had a well spent three hours rallying with Vincent at court 5. Sometimes I find it confusing to believe that tennis is the one sport that has kept me sane and insane at the same time for so long. But I guess this so-called cycle that I have going on in me is what makes me, me.

Tonight, I have to get as much reading done from The Great Gatsby as I can because I really want to be ahead of the game and get to the diorama project for U.S. History. So,  Happy Wednesday to you and me for the first time.

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