Saturday, April 17, 2010

Dinner At Red Robin

Now there is something with ice cold water at restaurants that I just can't get enough of. I don't even know why, so please don't try to ask me because I don't know myself. We celebrated Jalena's birthday tonight at Red Robin and it was nice because Dan, Kimmy, Ben, and I bonded again. I also learned the Justin "Beaver" rap parts from Dan in the last few minutes of the dinner as well. Prepare for our future performances. I'm pretty serious.

P.S. Where else would I find a best friend who would let me throw the shredded cheese pieces that I refuse to eat, onto his clean plate of pasta everytime?

Oh and if it's your birthday, you get an ice cream treat. Jalena was like the 8th one to get one tonight. But Happy Birthday to you Jalena, one more time before the night ends.

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