Monday, May 17, 2010

DIY Harmonica

Today in Spanish, Nick and Peter showed us how to make DIY harmonicas out of Popsicle sticks, rubber bands, and two thick strips of paper. They were more like noisemakers, but it was definitely an interesting project for a Monday afternoon.

I just finished watching the Swedish thriller that Chad sent to me on Youtube yesterday. What a masterpiece. It's about a 12-year old boy named Oskar, who gets bullied often and finally finds a girl friend named Eli, who is actually a vampire. Throughout the movie, the two kind of form this profound relationship that cannot be compared to the other vampire movies out there like Twilight. Here is the link to the 11-part movie if you are interested in watching it and feel like reading some English subtitles. But do not read Wikipedia until later because it will give away the whole plot! Supposedly Matt Reeves is going to create a remake of this film called "Let Me In" by October 1st, 2010.  Though I am not sure if this film will be able to compare to this new remake in October, I'd like to go see it anyway.

So for the quick update on what happened on Saturday, Lin, Dan, and I helped out at the Senior Ball for a total of 10-11 hours and we had our fair share of work. Running the photo appointment times and organizing the lines took a lot of time, but I had a lot of fun getting everyone together to take their prom pictures on time without any complaints. I am really glad that I got the chance to see everyone so dressed up. Every single person in the room looked amazing. I hope you all had a great time because all of you deserved it.


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