Monday, August 2, 2010

today is august 2nd and...

Hello Bloggers. I am a happy biker again! I tried biking a few loops around Cataldi Park with Calvin this late afternoon. Being back on board felt amazing. Now I'm not as good as new, but I'm working on healing faster. I figured that not moving and exercising my wrist and ankle will not help cure my injuries any faster, so I decided to change some routines around.

For the past weeks, I've just been going on exotic nature adventures and living up to life. I did a few things regarding Jane Eyre, like watching the 2006 version of Jane Eyre and reading Becoming Jane Eyre by Sheila Kohler. Speaking of Jane Eyre, I am getting more and more interested in learning about her background and life history. I just know that I will be going back for more after I finish reading Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte. I am also going to add Wuthering Heights on my list when I have the time to read it. I know you know, but I am going to say it anyway; The Bronte Sisters are quite something.

Now that summer is almost coming to an end, I have to say that it has surely made its way through, since I am still living life with no regrets. I really did try to embrace every minute from the past few weeks. I am most certainly glad that I got the chance to go on so many outdoor adventures with the people I love, do the Future Teachers Program that I signed up for at SCU, read the books that I wanted to read, do the community service that I intended on doing since the beginning of summer, figure out the things that I didn't expect on figuring out, and so much more.

I can go on reflecting, but it's not the real end of summer yet. So, let me just say that life isn't really that short when you try to make the most out of it. If you know what I mean, then go out and live your own life and do what you want to do if you have not yet. That's it.

But when school starts, do your homework whether you want to or not.

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