Tuesday, August 17, 2010

"new year, new attitude" and.. old rules

The fourth time around coming to the first day of school doesn't seem scary at all when you pretty much know how everything goes and works. However, every single year, there seems to be something that needs to be changed in my schedule. I waited patiently the whole day to see the new counselor(s). Mr. Alcarez, who is the new counselor for the last names A-L took me in anyway since there was such a long line when I first lined up. He told me he worked as a carpenter before this job, so he needed to slow things down and take a look. Indeed he was a nice guy who tried to check the possibilities of a possible spot for being an aid for the Special Ed program for my second period.

So let me backtrack. I went to Mr. Wilk's Avid Leadership 6th period class. In that class, Mr. Wilk asked me to talk to Mr. Jackson, who is somewhat in charge of the Special Ed program because I asked Mr. Wilk if it was possible to be a teacher's aid specifically for any of the Special Ed classes. In Mr. Jackson's room, he made several calls and arrangements. In the end, he settled to have my second period English class with Ms. Ocamb Winters be changed to being an aid for the Special Ed P.E. department.

If you currently follow, I went to Ms. Perez after and told her about my situation, about how I do not want my first period to be open without a class, and that I specifically want to work with the Special Ed program if I were to be an aid.

Long story short, there are no Special Ed aid classes open first period because the Special Ed program does not go to school until 2nd period for P.E., and that is my only free period that can be changed around.

Now, I have Ms. Moneymaker for first period English, and temporary office aid for second until  I figure out if Mr. Ward, the Special Ed P.E. teacher needs me to be an aid for second period or not.

Get this, if not, then that would mean that I would have to beg Mr. Alcarez, the counselor, to change my first period English class back to second with Mrs. Ocamb Winters. The only dilemma here is that I really want to keep Mrs. Ocamb Winters as my English 4 teacher because I really started liking her class today and the way she had things laid out for the rest of the year.

However, if I do get the chance to work with the Special Ed department, then I suppose I will have to be in Mrs. Moneymaker's first period English class instead. I guess it won't be as dreadful as others say, because  I really won't know how the class and teacher is until I try and see for myself. I personally love the subject of English, so hopefully whatever difficulties I come across, I'll be able to pull through if I work hard enough. I promised Mr. Alcarez that whatever happens, I will get a GPA of at least 3.8 this semester. I barely even know the guy, but I am sure that he is going to be just as great and helpful as the old counselors.

I also wanted to throw out how fantastic I think the class of Sociology is already with Mr. Cava. The man is so strict but knowledgeable with his sociology and psychology facts. So that deserves some real respect. Furthermore, I am so glad that Mr. Jones is our new American Government and Economics teacher. I'm sure the whole class had a great time listening to him talk about his unforgettable experience of teaching in  Mississippi a year ago, for the whole period. The guy knows his way around. I believe that he is going to be quite a legend some day.

The first day of senior year was hectic and chaotic, but it was also worth the run through. But I'm so exhausted right now and all I want to do is read The Know-It-All by A.J. Jacobs and eat half a cinnamon raisin bagel.

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