Saturday, July 17, 2010

accidents happen

Okay kiddies, it's story time.

So when I said I flew off my bike yesterday, I meant it. Calvin and I were heading to A Bite of Wyoming for breakfast and coffee when we encountered a sudden red stoplight. At that point, Calvin braked or drifted so fast that one of the brakes on my bike couldn't stop fast enough. This was when my front wheel met up with his back wheel and when he looked back, I flew off into the air and landed on my stomach and tumbled to the curb..

Now thinking back, I have to thank my Northface backpack. Otherwise, I would have been more hurt on my back, considering I was wearing a thin tank. But my toes on both feet starting bleeding and my skin peeled off because of the sandals.  I developed a huge circle-red-rash-cut kind of thing on my left shoulder and some cuts on my knees. But the worst part was that I sprained my right wrist and ankle.

In that much pain, I practically limped to the bus stop bench to sit and wait for Calvin to bike home to get his car. After he drove me home, he helped me clean my bloody cuts and applied bandages to wherever needed to be covered. Then after icing my wrist for a bit, we went to Denny's to eat anyway. Of course I had to cut and eat my pancakes with the same hand, just like how I am trying to type with my left hand only at the moment. After a few more painful hours, we went to Sports Authority to get a wrist support.

Coming home, Calvin went to work and I ate lunch and took a long nap. Now taking the nap was the best part because then, I was able to forget about the pain. But when I woke up, my entire body was still sore and in terrible pain. My parents came in and wondered why I slept in day light, since I rarely ever do so. In order to keep this bike accident a secret, I just had to tell them I slipped in the shower. I didn't want to have them freaked out or anything.  By hiding the evidence into just one body part hurting, I wore socks, long PJs, and an old baggy tee shirt in this hot weather.

Later at night, my hand got all swollen like astronaut gloves. So my mom made me watch Youtube videos with her for treatments to sprained wrists. Then she made me a homemade sling after wrapping my hand and wrist with an elastic bandage. I was basically in major pain from the moment she turned my hand to the side all the way to the time I went to sleep. She stacked a feel pillows on the right side so I could have my right arm elevated, but getting up and heading over to the bed was the hardest thing to do, with my badly cut and bruised shoulder on the left along with my bandaged toes.

I still really cannot believe that all of this just happened yesterday. It was nothing compared to the spilled cup of coffee and two cups of smoothies from three days ago. I hope I heel soon because this just reminds me of the horrible dislocated shoulder pain I had to go through two years ago. But on the bright side, I just ate delicious oatmeal.

But kids, wear knee pads, elbow pads, helmets, and maybe even a bullet proof body suit.

1 comment:

Sherryyyy said...

Oh baby boo Feel better!! Maybe I'll stop by and get you something =P! But then I start summer school this coming week. >__>;; Lol. Alright feel better!!