Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Tire -ing Tuesday

Jessica and Anne came to my house early this morning! I made them turkey ham sandwiches and strawberry-banana-watermelon-vanilla-ice-cream-iced-smoothies for lunch. The three of us enjoyed one great and sunny day of summer together, making beaded bracelets, rainbow beaded headbands, and colorful tie-dye shirts in my backyard for seven hours. 

I will show you guys the real results after Jessica decides to post up the abundant amount of pictures we took together on her camera.

Also, I learned to blend lots of different kinds of fruits together. I call my smoothies the "magic smoothies," specially made in my shack a.k.a my mom's kitchen. You know how it's the "snack that smiles back?" Well it's now the shack that smiles back. You know what I mean? But do come over some day and I will make you my own kind of smoothies! (However that's only if I still have ingredients left.) Muah-ha-ha.

The rest of the day was spent going to Walmart to get new back car speakers  for Calvin's car and Sunbike to get new tires for my bike. After we were done shopping for supplies, we went back to my house and Calvin tried fixing up my easily fractured bike again... for the hundredth time.

On the other hand, it's been two long business days and this new phone has still not arrived yet. The whole theory of "No phone, No Jane" does not exist anymore. I have learned to adapt to the new phone-less life with peace, love, and happiness, all in the same way.  Alright, that was a little bit too corny, but what I am trying to say is: with a phone or no phone, I am still Jane. So if you must reach me for any particular reason, there are many other options waiting for you.

1 comment:

Sherryyyy said...

Love the green layout. :D! That is the longest name given to a smoothie ever. LOL!