Sunday, July 18, 2010

father mother daughter bonding

I ordered Almond Milk Tea at Tapioca Express today and decided to get this box of dark chocolate covered almonds at Trader Joe's in the afternoon. My mom wanted to buy this box of fresh California figs so bad. We stopped by the Korean Market to search for something to send to my broskie in San Diego, but we weren't able to find much. But we did find quite a few things elsewhere.

I spent quite while working on his early birthday present because my mom said she wanted to send the stuff over tomorrow or Tuesday.

Today was still difficult to get around. I had to limp around for lots of endless hours and suffer the after burns of my cuts and bruises. But, I actually had a good time bonding with my parents. It's like I almost forgot what it was like to laugh with them since everyone's been so busy lately.

Going to World Market was the best part of the day. It's the best store out there, to me at least.

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