Sunday, July 11, 2010

something new for a change

I finally did it. Today, I took endless hours to clean out my white and brown drawers, throw out what I didn't need anymore, and rearrange the furniture in my two colored bedroom for the millionth time. As you can see, I have these lunatic phases often, but today was different. I really took the time to clean out every single drawer and organize my personal belongings from messy to neat to sparkly clean. And for all of those old notes, broken pencils, and unwanted clothes? All gone now.

And guess what else? I threw out every single 17 magazine I have ever owned starting from year 2005. That is by far the most epic thing I have ever, ever done to my magazines. But come on, you can't keep something that you barely even read once every few months forever. The only issue I currently still own is the newest one with Rihanna on the front cover. But once I am done scanning it, it's going into our yellow house recycle bin. I kept a few issues of Nylon and Teen Vogue in my closet, but that is all. By this time, my physical appearance can pass for a mad dog.

I also got a chance to watch the premiere of Hannah Montana Forever and the new episode of Jonas L.A. I know what you are thinking, but I am not 12 years old. I enjoy watching Disney Channel with all my heart.

Now my dad is walking around the house wearing my eight grade P.E. shirt and my mom is wearing the Rudolf antlers we used for our Christmas skit. What has happened to the people in this house?

1 comment:

Sherryyyy said...

Super cute. And I'm glad you finally got onto your belated Spring Cleaning! Now I need to get on mine. Haha!