Thursday, October 28, 2010

I know it's fall lips start turning dry and I start looking for my strawberry Kool-Aid chapstick. 
I think...that 96.5 should not be playing Dynamite on the radio at the moment, but instead some other seasonal song.  But then again, there aren't exactly many songs about Fall. Or are there?
Tonight's Fall Music Concert... went successful towards the end of our last Wind Ensemble piece.
I cannot wait... for tomorrow! Tiff is coming over at 6 in the morning to get our surprise together early.
I hope... everyone cheers up and stops the depression over the SAT scores soon.


1 comment:

Sherryyyy said...

I agree with the last one the most. People need to stop. What's done is done. If they really want to drop out of college, when they haven't even experienced it, then be my guest. So annoyed with the whining =__=.

Hi! :)