Monday, October 11, 2010

series of unfortunate events

Today, I explored Monday madness. This morning, I left the iron, toaster, stove, and hair straightener on on accident. I also left the kitchen, dining, and bathroom lights on. Let me also mention the fact that I supposedly lost my entire set of house and bike keys, school photo ID, and lanyard. I can be such a Clumsy Clementine sometimes. But I actually didn't find out or remember any of this until I got to school. So sitting in first period, all I could think about was six hours from then, I would be able to walk home as fast as I could to see if a) my house burnt down already b) my house is in the process of burning down somewhere inside or c) the alarms were crazily ringing because maybe a robber who had supposedly walked by my house, spotted a chunk of keys over the gates, so decided to hop over these pointy white gates of mine, and grabbed the chunk of keys to try out which ones fit to open the front door, and then tried to grab everything inside the house as fast as he could, only to forget to guess the password to the alarm system, and left the doors open on his way out.

Had I gone to practice bouncing tennis balls at the courts with the Special Ed kids later in the morning, I would have seriously gone even crazier.

Even though I was feeling anxious to get home all day, the ironic thing is that I actually took the long way to all of my classes today because I was feeling real slow and disappointed at myself for being so irresponsible and forgetful. I even took the long route home after school, after finding out that there was no Key Club interview session to be supervised for and that both Mr. De La Rosa and Mr. Macasaet have not started the scholarship recommendation forms I asked them to fill out a month ago. But that's alright, because everything changed after I got home. Thank goodness.

Now you may be wondering how I even got out of the house in the first place. Well, first I set the alarm, locked the door, and then used my remote control to get out of the house safely. Yes, so I used the remote control to get inside the garage when I got back. Luckily, I found the spare key somewhere around the garage after digging around for about only five minutes. When I walked in, everything was still turned on, but nothing was in a fire hazard. I also found my set of keys under this scrunched up brown paper bag in my room that I would have never suspected myself putting the keys underneath of.

Now you know, occasionally there may be such unfortunate events happening to you on a Monday morning. This should teach you and me that we must be more observant to the things we do and pay more attention to the ways we act, in order to avoid futuristic dangerous effects of unexpected and unwanted outcomes.

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