Friday, September 18, 2009

This is Henry VIII, the man who had 6 wives?!?!

So the time comes again when I just might have to pull another all nighter. I never seem to regret it, even though it's going to do some heavy damage to my body sooner or later. It's not entirely my fault that I have to stay up to read Chapter 11: The Reformation for Euro AP to prepare for the test tomorrow morning.

I've pretty much been busy this entire week with tennis practice and other homework. I am just finishing up the study guide as of now. As usual, the review questions are not really meant to be answered in 3-4 sentences, but rather paragraphs and paragraphs. Being the odd self that I am, I'm having a decent time learning about Protestantism vs. Catholicism. There's too much within the church. Too much as in corruption.

Again with the whole Martin Luther and the 95 theses posted on Castle Church door in Wittenburg in 1517, he was such a phenomenal figure throughout history. He was basically the person who initiated the Protestant Reformation. Genius.

John Calvin. Zwingli. Anabaptists. Anglican Church. There's so much detailed information. Though I can only remember so much, I must not forget that there will also be a U.S. History test for the locations of the 13 colonies, and a Spanish Vocab/ Body parts test to study for.

Goodnight and good morning everyone.

picture is from here:

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