Sunday, October 4, 2009

I am currently learning about how England and France developed differently during the seventeenth century. So France had more advantages towards weaponry and military organization. The success of the French monarchy led to the failure of the English monarchy. From the failure of the English monarch, it led to two models of government: absolutism in France and parliamentary monarchy in England.

To pursue the adequate income, English monarchs in the seventeenth century threatened the political interests and economic well being of the country's nobility and others of great landed and commercial wealth. In contrast, Louis XIV, the King of France just let France nobility depend on his goodwill and patronage.

England had the advantage of bargaining between the political institution in Parliament, while France lacked the tradition of broad liberties and bargaining between their own monarch and other national institutions.

The four Stuart monarchs in England led people to question them greatly because of their personalities. They did not keep promises and often made faulty judgments.

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