Tuesday, October 13, 2009

So I decided to choose to go to the tennis game instead of going to piano tomorrow and I hope I am about to make the right decision. If it rains tomorrow, then back to plan A, which is to not cancel piano and waste a lesson of valuable time and money. But if plan B, then I have to go all out to show coach that I am not made out of nothing.

Part of being a junior has so much to do with balancing your time and managing your schedule well. Right now, I hope I am not the only one who is struggling, because I'm sure a whole bunch of other people are as well, unless you are one of those super people who lie about yourself or one of those amazing people who can do anything.

Well actually, anybody can do anything. It's only if you want to do it. Knowing that I have to choose a lot of things over a lot of important things, it all comes down to which I want more. There is the 12 years of piano that I cannot give up because I am one step closer to finishing all the levels, and there is the team that I continuously put myself into to finally have a place to set foot and a place to stand on, once I am on the courts.

Don't get me wrong, I like what I do. Sometimes when I say I am tired of things, let's face it, we all get tired of some things eventually and then get back up and go back to doing whatever it is that we do. There is no end and no beginning. I guess we Just do it. ??? Nike comes in handy. Sometimes.

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