Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Today was a better day for the change. Though I already know that I did not do well on the DBQ in Euro AP today, I just feel like I want to keep going forward for that class because I just have this passion for it.

So Leadership was actually quite meaningful today and that really summed up a lot of things. I am really glad that we had a group discussion where we all got to sit in a circle and talk about what was right and what was wrong, and what we could fix and what not. So the Mother-Father-Daughter-Son dance is coming up and we 're going to have to spend a great deal of time preparing for it. I believe we also decided to have the YouTube Concert moved into the later days of after January especially with the Winter Rally coming up and the little factors in between. ( Like recycling and doing monthly projects like we planned.) I hope we follow up on the things we discussed today and be more organized from now on.

As for today, 3 cheers for no tennis practice! I was going to show up to the Math tutoring thing after school today to get some help, but with the extra time, I am surely going to focus better on my own tonight. I hope tomorrow's Math -Analysis quiz will be something that I will have confidence on. Glee tomorrow!

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