Saturday, October 24, 2009

Westmont Vs PHHS, 4-6, 7-5, 4-10

So on Friday, Stacy was kind enough to bake the band kids delicious chocolate chip cookies and I was really thankful for that. Some people can just be so giving. I am surely going to think of something to do in return for her generosity soon. As for what it will be, I guess it will be a surprise.

Also, the away game at Westmont was not a joke, but rather a wonderful experience for a practice match since both the coaches insisted that it was just for "fun" and not for anything else. They also had their senior honor speeches after we did the line-up. And boy, they are sure a lot closer than we are! I have to agree that their senior honor speeches were the sweetest things Jimmy and I have ever seen!

Oh P.S., that sign, yeah Jimmy got lost in the middle of the way there and we were almost off to Santa Cruz's Beach Board Walk! (Next time I hope we get "lost" again with towels, sandals, and sandcastle buckets ready!!)

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