Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Day 02 - A picture of what you wore today

Let Me Take You Out-Class Actress

Though yesterday was supposed to be Day 2, today will replace yesterday's Day 2 instead. But this does not mean that today is now Day 3, because tomorrow will be Day 3. Now I know why the photo challenge has the word "challenge" in it. You just never know when you're going to forget about challenges like these all a sudden or not. 30 straight days is a month of commitment. But it's such an exciting goal to reach.

I didn't have any finals today, but I did enjoy having the permission of showing up to first period 20 minutes later than usual, finishing The Blind Side right when the first bell rang, seeing Chad and Jalena during lunch, and watching two straight hours of Forrest Gump again. I also got a chance to continue reading the curious incident of the dog in the night-time by Mark Haddon, which by the way, you guys have to check out his page because it's not the typical blog that you'd visit. The man is amazing.

So for the description of Day 2, I am wearing a fringed brown vest that I found from Savers a little over a year ago, a floral H&M knee-length dress that I bought out of randomness exactly one month ago from today , and some purple flats (that you cannot see here) that I purchased on sale from UO six months ago.

And I am in my weedy backyard.

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