Tuesday, June 29, 2010

the farm life

I thought yesterday's life was tough down at the creek. But then I experienced making ice cream first hand at Anne's house today.

First of all, this morning, I set out at 6:30 am as usual, and today Calvin helped me oil my chains and pump my bike. This post should also remind me to buy a new pump because mine does not work well. The two of us biked all the way to Warm Springs, which is in Fremont and back. It sure was one smooth ride but my arms? They're jello. My legs? They're jello liquid. I felt a little bit light-headed when I got back, but I decided to head to Anne's house anyway. We met up with Vincent, and the three of us biked to the Berryessa library for early morning Key Club service. I liked cleaning the shelves and wiping the windows. I liked being in there early and looking at DVDs. We followed Linda's instructions and opened each DVD box to check if there were any mistaken discs and/or absurd numbered labels. There weren't many, but there were stacks of DVDs to check in an hour.

After two hours passed by, the three of us biked back to my house to get my wallet and not ran, but rode into Calvin's car. He offered to take us to Target, but we decided to continue biking on the road. The four of us at Target shopped separately. Anne had to look for a friend's present and I had to look for distilled water for my plants.

After Target, Calvin left for work and the three of us biked all the way back to Anne's house to feast. I had some waffles and syrup for part of my lunch. Then when someone brought up ice cream, Anne wanted to make some. That's when I started to play dead and laid on her carpet. I was feeling so tired that I didn't want to crush ice and duct-tape the cans. I remembered what it was like to make ice cream in Mr. Mac's Chemistry Honors class in 10th grade. It didn't turn out so well and it didn't taste that pleasant either. But Anne bribed me with expired chocolate-chip cookies that I didn't know were expired. I decided to help her in the end anyway. As said, we crushed ice, and duct-taped cans together and added ice cream salt in. Then we took the Coffee Mate can outside and kicked it around like a rock-hard soccer ball until we decided that it was ready.

And guess what? Ta-freaking-da. It was... sort of ready. It tasted really good because she added some coffee ingredients. But the outcome was kind of watery, so we decided to freeze it and have me come back tomorrow morning. Ice cream for breakfast? That is a maybe. After the big commotion of a playful argument regarding how history or literature is better than math and science combined, with Anne, Vincent, and her brother, I decided to bike home and take a cold shower.

I wonder if I am going to watch Eclipse with Lin tonight. I miss Chad, Dan, and Kimmy.

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