Saturday, November 7, 2009

True Friends Bump Into Each Other When...

it's during the most unexpected.

Soo, knowing that I probably wouldn't have time tomorrow ( homework day= Sundays), I wanted to get my shopping in by today. Therefore after Saturday School, I went straight home to practice piano for a few hours and then went to my lessons until 4:30. I headed to Santana Row/ Valleyfair right after and there, I ran into Anne and we did hurried shopping together.

But luckily, we did get to enjoy pin-kbe-rry Pinkberry yogurt with yummy toppings of bits of kiwi, raspberries, and mochi. I managed to buy a dress for the fashion show and a scarf and black coat for myself. I am so excited about the cold weather coming up because I never realized how in love I can be with winter accessories. This is actually so exciting! I never thought I'd be into this sort of climate change because I've always been the summer , hot weather type of person. Things definitely do alternate over time.

Tomorrow, I will definitely focus on studying for the math and Spanish tests at Anne's house. Anne, the genius will help me until I understand everything. I guess it looks like I am going to have to skip out on the Ice Cream Social event. I hope all goes well and I am looking forward to seeing some cute pictures by tomorrow night!

P.S. Either I stick with the old fashioned heels I have or find new ones at Target if I have time to go out to find shiny ones.

P.P.S. I want to purchase all the seasons of Arrested Development! Jennifer said they are currently on sale! I have to get my hands on those seasons ASAP so I can have them on my shelf!

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