Thursday, November 19, 2009

All Hail Thursdays

Let me finalize my favorite days of the week: Tuesdays and Thursdays. All hail short days. All hail Thursdays. Today, I got a 20/20 on my Vocabulary Quiz for U.S. History for the first time. ( Yeah! I didn't study all day for nothing! Props to my usually poor memory today). I was also lucky enough to finish drawing the other side of the "Yellow Journalism" assignment after school, since Ms. Orban was nice enough to let me. I gathered paper for the sign that I would be making for the Junior Hallway and walked home not through peace, but through kids screaming here and there. And that is why the beginning of this song reminds me of the environment this afternoon.

I got home and worked on a video blog that I usually make every time there is a short day for Dan. Then I rolled out the butcher paper and began painting the signs. I will post pictures as soon as we finish decorating the hallways. It's nothing too crazy, but we just wanted to have the whole Thanksgiving theme going on, to get ready for next week before we go off to our 2-4 day break. After, I waited for my signs to dry and ate a few oatmeal coffee crackers. Now, I am starting to work on my Euro AP Study Guide. Goodness, I love doing the study guides. There is something about defining key terms. It's just so... fun to me. Okay you're thinking the weirdest girl on the planet has to be me, but no, there are people out there who actually like to eat tangerine cutie peels. Wait, that's me too.

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