Sunday, November 8, 2009

Today I spent my day at Anne's house studying for Math and Spanish. So much for getting things done, we ate a lot of her Halloween candy (smarties, dark chocolate Hershey nuggets, sweet tarts, and tootsie rolls), acted like it was a summer sleepover by telling each other lame jokes and past stories, listened to the same songs of David Archuleta's new Christmas Album over and over again, and looked at our old pictures. But I haven't laughed at anything or with anyone this much in ages and this weekend was just full of greatness and I do appreciate having such a wacky best friend like her. I have my math and Spanish tests tomorrow and here I am still thinking about other things. But, I think I will be sticking with the routine of sleeping at 10 and waking up by midnight or 1 am to study again. I need butcher paper to make signs for the last home football game this Friday for our cork board.

I actually have noticed the emptiness of the cork board for quite awhile now for your information. I haven't done anything about it because being me, I don't know how to find the time to paint a poster for a cork board when I usually spend my time studying for Euro AP, Spanish, or Math-Analysis. I am not saying that it is not important because if it wasn't, I wouldn't be thinking about it. Therefore, I will get to work on that ASAP. On another note, CCS is on Tuesday and we will be finding out who we will be playing against tomorrow at tomorrow's practice. And last but not least, let us be thankful that Wednesday will be a holiday and break day for all of us.


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