Sunday, December 20, 2009

Away to Montreal, away to Miami, away to home..

Terrific? Tremendous? Traumatic? This was a really amazing film about a couple who tries finding a home where they can feel satisfactorily fitted in to for themselves and their soon-to-be-born baby. They travel here and there to visit their family members , including Phoenix and such, but eventually find their place back home in the end. I guess this is what these kind of films do to you. They always make you think about life somehow, when it is over. Whether it's about trying to reconcile feelings for an ex- boyfriend/ girlfriend or seeing a couple divorcing and then facing the hardships and moving into reality, or whatever it is that they do, they just make you think, think, and think. So hopefully this break will change a few things and let the new year start us off bright and new.

But first.. what are breaks for? I guess they're for watching the indie films that I've been waiting to watch, go biking, and hiking in the cold. Well, at least those are a few of the many things that I plan to do. Despite the fact that I have a truck load of homework assignments to do and tests to study for, no worries, I will get to them as soon as possible. I know I still have to wipe the dust off that dusty shelf full of SAT books of mine, but I will get to this SAT studying party soon, as well. Catching up on some sleep lets me feel alive again. I may not be a cold zombie after today, afterall.

And now, back to my 90210 marathon. I've just been you know, doing all the things that I shouldn't be doing-- like watching this incredibly ridiculous addicting show that is definitely hard to miss out on! For one thing, it is the new Gossip Girl for me this break. For another, I plan on going biking first thing tomorrow morning.

Goodnight, San Jose.


1 comment:

jeddddd said...

i wanna watch that movie! my brother said it was really nice.

awwwww i miss talking to you about indie stuff!