Friday, December 11, 2009

So there are certain things that make your day go round again by the end of the day. And this one certain thing happens to be YouTube videos of Sam Tsui singing. He is going to be a legend. Look at him sing this 3 minute song where he barely gets to catch a breath.

Today was the Christmas rally and the skit, well some people are saying they thought it was funny how Jimmy and Calvin went back twice , and well actually I haven't heard the negative yet. I know , it did not look well out there, but now I just have to keep myself on the bright side. On the brighter note, I mean Justin pulled it off with his one arm riding sleigh move with the cardboard sleigh.

I spent a lot, a lot of time doing posters and making props, and I guess I shouldn't say it all went down the drain. Because I mean, at least I finally got to experience through this and made decisions for once. Even though things don't turn out right sometimes, better things will happen next time. Being sick sure brought me down but now that I kind of think that I am feeling better, I am on this Positive Pamela side again.

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