Monday, December 21, 2009

Pizza My Heart, except, not for pizza

Some people develop huge migraines and have really bad hangovers after they party real hard from the previous night. But I, I develop intense headaches from watching too many episodes of 90210 on YouTube from the previous night. That's right, my friends, Jane-willy has officially finished most of the entire first season of 90210 last night. It was that addicting, but now, I am reconsidering to watch the second season or not because a) I believe that I will form an immense addiction to it and hang on to it until the third season comes out and b) I should have better things to do than trap myself in front of the computer all day. So since both a and b both relate, should I know better than that? Or what?

Today I went shopping with the girls and it felt really good to hang out with them for a change. Don't worry, I am really not a boy. I just happen to hang out with boys more than girls sometimes because it's been like that since.. as long as I could remember, since.. middle school started. But today was just something different. Since I had girl time, we got to braid each others' hair and paint each others' nails. Okay, no, we really didn't do any of that. Did you just believe me? So anyway we really just bought matching headbands because we happened to see this one design that we all really liked. I could say that that was probably the happiest part of my day. It's just these small things that make me feel so giddy. But, I am more than determined about moving through the whole materialistic phase already. So that means, little things mean a lot of things, not just things like headbands.

We tried Tutti-Melon today and that place sure has good yogurt, and 10,000 and 2 points to it, for not making me buy at least a $10 minimum purchase worth of yogurt at the counter. By the way, I had salad at Pizza My Heart. That is why.

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