Monday, December 28, 2009

The Fixed $4 Antique Plate

So this is a floral antique plate that I got from an antique shop last summer and the moment after I bought it, my super clumsy hands got buttery, and dropped the bag and it cracked into a million shattered pieces. Being disappointed and upset that I found such a great buy that day, I brought it home and left it there on the side of the counter. At that time, I didn't know whether if I should throw it away or not. I didn't know my dad helped me fix it until a few days ago. It looks as good as new! (Well, until you click on the enlarged picture, that is. ) Hehe.

Today, I finished my Euro AP movie review for The Young Victoria in about three deeply researched hours, and walked to Anne's house to drop off her UO tree, lights, and ornaments. I also started reading The Tipping Point. I have to admit that it made me begin to really think about all the crises that have recently sparked up in the community. Oh the things books can do to you.

1 comment:

T, ANNE said...

You walked?! D; Awww. Thanks!