Wednesday, December 23, 2009

What's more amazing than camping under... this?

This is totally unfair. I want to do something like this one day. Maybe when I grow older and want to have a getaway, it won't be something fancy like getting a tan in Cabo or heading up to a nice and big house in Palm Springs. It'd probably be to do something like this. Like roasting marshmallows out of the own fire you and your friends have created and telling stories out of nothing. Knowing that there won't be any other tents nearby makes it even more exciting. You know, kind of like the movie I Am Legend, pretending to be survival of the fittest, and exploring the wonders of the night time, except with the rest of the world shut down for a few late hours. Maybe if we're lucky, we might even run into a bear. Or owl if you prefer.

picture from here.


Sherryyyy said...

Aw I haven't been camping since I was little :( My parents (mom) hates the outdoors. I have yet to even make my own 'smore. My backyard is big enough to set up like 2 tents! TEEHEE. Maybe. One day.

jeddddd said...

jane i wanna go camping too!!! we should plan a wilderness trip or something! lol

and that's my sister's tumblr! :)