Sunday, December 13, 2009

Don't let the wrapping fool you if you receive one of these. I am one of the worst wrappers out there if you ever decide to pay attention to the sides. But wrapping paper is just wrapping paper. I got three different rolls when I went out today and thought they looked pretty nice. Oh and since I couldn't find a decent box for Dan, I wrapped all his gifts individually. Maybe you'll have fun opening them, maybe you won't. We'll see.

This morning, I finished most of the Andy Warhol book and I believe I am 74 pages from the end. So I am ready for this reading quiz on Wednesday. I worked on a few more questions of my U.S. History Study Guide. Now, I have to finish math homework and get to studying. Oh, maybe I will practice Lenard, my flute, when I have time since I finally took him home for the weekend. This weekend has felt like a long time, because of my sickness. I developed a few coughs today, but hopefully that won't knock me off my horse. I am on the run here and I am going to finish my work tonight so I can watch Paper Heart. And if it takes me until tomorrow morning, then let it be.


Dan Truong said...

Great, now I have to get you a present. Thanks for telling me

jane-willy said...

It's a different Dan