Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Corny McColin

128 square root e 198

I think that was the banner. I just chose not to post the actual picture up because it looked too "twilighty" to me. If you know what I'm saying, that's gr8. <--- You know what I mean now?

So Karney sent me this banner that I thought was a math problem. Generally, I am not a lovey-dovey kind of person and indeed the square bear Peter claims that I am. This took me a very long time to figure out. The directions said to cover half of the screen. I didn't know if it was if my hands were too big or too small to cover over the screen, or if I was covering with the wrong measurements. Even though it really says , " cover the top half of this pic, " if Peter were to do this too, I'm sure he'd come up with the same result as me : 1 love 900. And just so you know, I used the calculator and I got----overflow error.

Now I know it probably says, " I love you, " due to the obviousness of these same "love" banners that are so common on Tumblr, but I just don't see it. I love 900 it is.

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