Sunday, December 13, 2009

I had really good dream last night, but too bad dreams are just dreams. So I dreamed that we had this carnival inside our small school library and somehow everyone had to bring their Spanish books to scan ( and I don't know why) , and then I saw some lady stack a bunch of green Spanish 3 books. And from afar, I saw the number 28 and ran over and finally found my lost Spanish book. I woke up and it was right there on my bed. But wait, I woke up in a dream so it was still the dream. Then I really did wake up and found out that I did not find my lost Spanish 3 book after all. Bummer.


Dan Truong said...

I had a dream last night too! we were on a field trip to a roller coaster called the Bloody Mary. it was just you, vivian, and me with our teacher, who was an AA. In the end when i woke up i realized i've never had an african-american teacher.

Dan Truong said...

it's andrew nguyen!!