Friday, December 18, 2009

I'll trade you these cookies for those houses. I'll buy that airport from you. I'll triple the price.

Did you think I was going to play Barbie after school? After the final day before break starts? No, it was down to some serious business with the Monopoly board at Karney's house. But then it got to a tedious process and seemed to never end like the games of Clue and Life. So, we eventually gave up and watched Forgetting Sarah Marshall. Though we didn't finish it, I had a good time at Karney's, the usual bro hang out place. I have to go to "foreign school" tomorrow according to Danny, so I have to get to homework soon. But I wanted to blog before I started. This does mean that my break doesn't entirely start until after 12 pm tomorrow. Hey, maybe I can stop by the public library for once, since it's so close by.

I recall last year's last day before break. Madeline, Michelle, the group, and I went to Christmas in the Park and strolled around the park to take pictures and admire the nicely decorated trees. Though this year was spent a little bit differently, I'm glad that new things happen every year. That's what brings the joy into life-- experiencing new things all the time, that is. If you are wondering why there is a gun next to the bag of cuties, it's because I put it there. Karney somehow had some gun on his couch, and Trung and I happened to end up eating his entire sack of cuties. That's right, there is enough Vitamin C for the rest of tonight for sure!

Today actually did consist of all movies in every period besides Band and Leadership. I've had enough junk food ( candy, brownies, cookies, candy canes, chocolate, etc.) for the rest of my life.Thanks for the breakfast, lunch, and dinner you guys! Okay well I actually just had real dinner. But either way, it was all in all pretty festive at school today. That is what I call the Christmas spirit! I think I have to skip out on frozen yogurt with Jasmine and Vivian at Valleyfair tomorrow morning because of "foreign school." Darn, good-bye Tutti-Melon. Happy early grand-opening.

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