Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Happy new Year,
not yet

pictures from here
from Edwin's blog

So, a new year is surely approaching. I still haven't really thought about some realistic resolutions yet. I have not had the chance to actually think about them because I've gotten back into my Euro History study mode. But after reading the 16 page packet that Ms. Davis gave us, writing the 3-4 page reflection has literally been the hardest task so far. There are so many topics, subtopics, historical events, and such. I've been digging up some super old notes to refresh my crusty memory for the past hours. It looks like I'm going to have to reread the big red textbook a million times before I capture the light of my favorite subject once more.

On another note, I don't know what it is, but I cannot wake up automatically to my cell phone alarm anymore, no matter how many of them I set. Either I've turned partially or majorly deaf, or my bad cases of insomnia haven't made serious miraculous turns yet. So both assumptions equal to severe turmoil. I think I will take my break later to watch I Love You, Man. Now who's with me?

1 comment:

Sherryyyy said...

I love you man is the most hilarious movie ever. :) I watched it with Allison, Kristine, Diana, and Andrea and we were HELLA laughing. I love Paul Rudd :)